Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Birthdays, celebrfations and new pics

So Blogger and I have been having some minor altercations and as such, I am sorry for not posting for a bit! My birthday has passed, Adas' has as well and her party, Fourth of July and new family/kids where to begin! I suppose I should start chronologically rather than alphabetically (sorry cue Sherlock Holmes quoting here...)

Adas' party was a hit! We loved having family and friends there and I think I planned some pretty good activities for the kids taking into account their collective ages and attention spans. As promised, it was horrifically Princess and the Frog themed and Ada loved her gifts!! I am just glad Ada didn't have any boys show up, that would have been interesting with the tiara crafting...

My birthday was great! I got lots of great stuff, including the run tone ( and easy tone) shoes I have been ogling for forever! Thanks to my great hubby and Dad! Books, jewelery, flowers, all stuff I love! Josh and I went on Monday, my birthday, in the morning to Mondauk park near our ward where we used to run pre-kids so we thought it would be great to do again and follow it up with Panera breakfast just like old times. It went great but it was a bit too hot for the kids...even in the morning! Tuesday Josh had off from work and we went that night out to our new favorite restaurant The Melting Pot! We loved it and I don't know how but we got a really cool out of the way (they called it Lovers Lane) table where we could be by ourselves. Don't know if it was luck or not so I am giving the hubby the credit! Wednesday night Eclipse came out so we went to see it and luckily it wasn't as bad (in terms of no throngs of teenagers screaming for whoever they thought was hot) as we thought it would be on opening night and so it was a great movie and no lines, so Josh was happy too!

4th of July- went on a picnic where I used to run all our home meets for HS xc. It was very nostalgic and nice to have Josh see it! The womens' Cheltenham XC team is holding their 1st alumni race in Aug so I need to really start ramping up my running workouts or I will not be pleased with myself!!

Family pics- just got new ones taken so enjoy! Ada was giving us the Josh look the whole time, like "this is so not worth my time" and Roarke loves making people laugh and having fun so he was much better.

Even though my eyes are closed, Adas pose it awesome!!

All she kept doing was playing with this chair and then she didn't really want to stay in it! She would if we asked her, but only for a short time...

Just posted this pic in the gerber photo contest so vote if you want to, I have been told by so many people to enter him so I thought why not...

Some more 'tude

One of the few pics where she wasn't choking him...accidentally

Awww, even some cute pics of us!

This was the only pics Josh would let me post. He was doing a super manly Mr. Universe pose, but he would only let me take it if I promised to not subject our bloggers to him being a goof...good thing I love him so much!!

Roarke enjoying the grass

Ada and Suzie: they've become really good friends!

Proof that Roarke needs a brother...or even that Ada needs a sister...either way...

Trying to stay cool on the 4th and chase butterflies with a badminton racket


Whitings said...

Shelby, your family pictures turned out great!! Your family is beautiful.

SydneyMin said...

Fun post! I love all the pics :) Glad you had a fantastic birthday!

mrsjohn said...

your family pictures turned out great!Nice effort, very informative
flowers in australia

Tuthill Family said...

Hahaha - I LOVE the pic of Ada with her hand on her chin. You rarely capture moments like that on camera! I think the one of her and Josh is really sweet as well. And the one of Roarke with the star-fish. OKay, so I had a LOT of favorites. I guess it's safe to say that I liked them all! You guys are so photogenic!