Saturday, July 31, 2010


So I keep trying to post some new pics but every time I try to (and when I have a free second) I have my laptop and camera in separate and inaccessible areas!! Ug!! Anyway, so as I have not really had an interesting post in a while, this pictureless post will just have to appease ya'll! So We are having Roarkes' big 1 year old bash this coming Saturday ; we think Ada might have her 1st UTI; Perry, Ciera and Bobby are showing up here in the next few days; Britt is coming into the States (followed soon by Alicia and the kids- hopefully next week!!); and we still have no new news about the whole this-situation-is-starting-to-really-get-to-me navy thing!! People keep telling me to just stop whining and get used to it 'cause it's the military, but I just wish that the recruiter would give us some updates. We called him today and since he has no news and he's on vacation he told US to call HIM on Monday (sorry, perhaps I am a little astounded but I thought that professionalism was something parents-and the military- tried to teach people! But apparently...I am mistaken). But I know this has to be completed one day...just wish it were say...a month ago? Anyway, any extra prayers would be gladly appreciated!

So...thanks for reading my litany and my to help stem your grief for no pics if you go to YouTube under greenfighter3 you'll see some great videos of Ada singing!


SydneyMin said...

I hope you get some info SOON! Is Ada feeling better yet? Poor little gal. Missed you guys on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Those are such great family pics!!!! I have Roarke's B-Day present...I didn't want to mail it since we will most likely be seeing you guys soon!!