Saturday, November 8, 2008

Snow and other activities

As you can most likely guess from the title, it snowed yet again this week-not enough to make snow veterans like us cringe-but enough to remind us that we live in Idaho, and that it is basically winter here.
In terms of voting, I will say that here in Idaho you can register to vote on Election Day-no need to be proactive here (even though I figured you had to register beforehand and sent in our information a few months ago-to which I received a postcard, not a voter registration number or card, stating that we are registered) and that here you fill out a type of scan-tron card, bubble sheet and all, and then drop your paper into a box. Seriously, hasn't anyone here ever heard of technology and wanted to update their systems sooner than every 25 yrs? But other than that, I am not going to go into which candidate for which we voted, stating which one is basically endorsed or not by God, nor will I go on a rampage about which one loves/upholds the Constitution more than the other...and so on and so forth...I will only say THANK GOODNESS that it is finally over!
Ada has really started "talking" and we have a video in which she is very talkative! We went to the pediatrician on Wednesday, and sadly I had to go through Ada getting more shots (geez-like I need to complain-I didn't get them!) but she did much better this time, and consequently so did I, with Josh there for my moral support. So now Ada is just shy of 26 inches and 14.4 lbs, our long skinny weed of a daughter-but more like a dandelion-at least a very pretty weed. So we have 2 new videos and if you'll continue below-more adorable pictures!

I love snow!...for now...Ada has really been teething, and she has finally decided she likes this teething toy We went to a friends' birthday party on Thursday and everyone had to wear a party hat...yes even Josh!

Ada all ready to brave the fierce weather to go to the pool on campus
She sure does love Lucy...her bunny
Trying to stay awake until bedtime
Don't take Lucy away!


SydneyMin said...

I like your new header! Ada is adorable. I love the last few pics of her with her bunny. So precious!

limitless said...

Hey Shelby, Diana forwarded this to me. Ada is the cutest thing ever. So petite. She reminds me a little of Bree. I just couldn't take my eyes off my adorable Bree when she was a baby. Now most of the guys feel the same way I'm afraid. What a weird thing to be out with her and all these guys are checking her out. Some a little mother instinct kicks in and I give them that infamous Jamison snarl, but she loves it.

I love hearing about Rexburg. It was a great time in my life, way back in the 80's.

Keep warm and you all!

Anonymous said...

She is tooo cute! Can't wait to see you guys in a month!! :)

Tuthill Family said...

I absolutely love all the pictures and videos! She is just way too cute! Can't wait to see you guys in less than 2 weeks!

Mary said...

So sweet! You have such a cute little family!