Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 18th Devin!

Well this past week went by in such a blur! Tons of homework, (with still tons to go but at least I am still on track) and Josh is worried about money as we are about to embark on vacation-really it's about time-and so he has been trying to work as much as he has been picking up an extra day. Which really means that even though he was one day off, we have then Thursday afternoon together. I just tell him that once we are on vacation, he is completely prohibited from being cranky! But thankfully we are all looking forward to time with our extended family and with each other. So I have realized that this week I have not taken as many pictures as I usually do, and this is not due to a lack of Ada being cute or doing very adorable things, just a lack of focus I suppose. But I am sure the brief hiatus from 8 million pictures will harm no least not indefinitely.
Yesterday was my best girlfriends' birthday (don't worry Josh, you are still my best friend). This person is someone I have not always been able to get along with over the years, especially when we were younger. Our younger encounters usually consisted of cleaning up her messes, and me getting in trouble for fighting with her as I was older, and I suppose for that reason more accountable for my actions. The I got older, and I went away to college and things were better for a while as we both grew up. But when I moved back home, she liked to take my things, insist she hadn't, I would get upset, and boom! Guess what? Still got blamed for getting upset with her. So how is this person my best girlfriend you may ask? Well, we are now both older, hopefully wiser, and most importantly, we do not live in the same house! But she is one of the kookiest people I know (sorry but Mom, you get the kookiest person award of all time-and we all love you for it! ) and she by far makes life interesting and different. I have known her all her life, and looking back and seeing all the things we made fun of you for-which were incredibly ridiculous like stating your head was shaped like a Dorito-I have always loved you and always will. So Happy 18th Birthday Devin! And welcome to adulthood.

Look at the Birthday girl!
Ada was smiling for the camera, but then was too captivated by the flash
Working on some hand-eye coordination

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