Saturday, September 27, 2008

Longer...but still so skinny

Ada was finally able to wear some of the clothes that Grammie McLaughlin and Aunt Sarah brought. They are 3-6 months, like the rest of the clothes she is now almost growing out of, but the jeans they brought would not fit our skinny child. Josh just remarked the other day that our daughter has skinny little chicken legs, but with us for parents...I wonder where she gets it from?
She has also started playing more with her toys. She has held them in the past, but has not had much patience for them. Now, however, she will hold, scrunch, bite (or really gum), drool and whatever else she can think of to do with them. She even has a lobster teething toy she loves from Grammie, but will only chew on one side of it (and yes a lobster, rare and I am assuming hard to find, but Josh said she had to have it so she could know her heritage). Anyway, enjoy the pics!


SydneyMin said...

So cute! I have a niece that is very tall for her age, but her pants just fall right off her she's so skinny!

Tuthill Family said...
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Tuthill Family said...

Look how much she's grown! It's really amazing how quickly they change. :) Sarah left some clothes here for you and a few things are smaller sizes so I'm going to mail them to make sure you guys get a chance to use them. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of months! :)

Anonymous said...

wow, she is getting so big. She is so beautiful. She loks more and more like Josh everyday, which must make him very proud. Love y'all!