Sunday, September 14, 2008

Family pics and a new hairdo

Hello All! Some of you have asked for a new family picture so...we just took one. Ada is the little monkey we all know and love, (and she will be a monkey for Halloween too; we just got her costume from Old Navy) and I just got my hair cut from my friend Stephanie who works at Evan Hairstyling College- which is one of the three hairstyling colleges in this very small city.

We have also discovered that Ada loves to watch Law and Order. And while I am struggling with whether or not this is a good thing, it helps me to be able to leave her in her bouncer and get things done! Josh says maybe this means she will be a lawyer, so we will just have to wait and see. However, once it is time for a commercial, she will tend to look anywhere but the TV. She went to the pediatrician last week for her first round of immunizations, and was only a little fussy so I didn't medicate her as soon as she got home like the nurses said. She is a tough cookie though! She didn't cry-she screamed- but I did. I hate needles and so it is tough to see her go through that. But she is 12 lbs and just over 24 inches! She is a little weed!

Our Family
Ada loves this! The person holding her just doesn't like it when she drools...
Ada has picked this up lately. Josh says it's Baby Power (kind of like Black Panther Power without the hostility), but I think it's from the videos she watches where they tell her to put her hands up.
Dad and Ada wrestling...any guesses who won?
Good Morning
My new hairdo
Until Next time!


SydneyMin said...

Cute pics, Shelby! Ada's expressions are so adorable! You look so happy as a mommy :)

Tuthill Family said...

Love the Pics! Baby Power is too cute! I can't believe how fast she is growing - by the time we get to see her in November she'll be practically walking! :) Can't wait!

Mags said...

Shelby-of COURSE I remember you! How could I forget one of the most happy and pleasant people I know? I'm so glad you found us. Congrats on your new baby-she is so beautiful! Isn't it fun-even though you don't always get the naps when you need them:) I promise, each moment gets better and better. Your family is beautiful! I followed your advice and I'm speed reading through those books-much better and I'm almost done-finally! Keep in touch!!! Love, Sarah

Spencer, Kami, James and Madelynn said...

Beautiful baby and beautiful family! Love the power baby - James did that when he would wake up - put his fist in the air as if to say "I am AWAKE! Hear me ROAR!!" James enjoyed Law and Order for a time, but now has moved onto The Price is Right. Hahah :)

Anonymous said...

She is too cute!!! She looks so much like Josh, and growing fast. Not sure when we will see you guys next...but hopefully it will be soon! Love you all!