Friday, September 5, 2008

An anniversary and a vacation

We just came back from vacation to Bear Lake Utah, where we used our Garmin for the first time, thanks Papa! It was a great drive and Ada slept the whole time. It kind of reminded us of our trip from PA to Idaho last year around this time, until we reminded ourselves that indeed there was a baby in the backseat! It was great at Bear Lake. It was a bit colder than Rexburg as we were so close to the water, which by the way, was incredibly blue for a lake. Another great commodity for the area are their raspberries.
I was a bit skeptical as I thought, raspberries are raspberries, but I was mistaken! We went out to eat on Wednesday to the Bear Lake Trapper Steak House, and there were stuffed bears and other outdoorsy trapping acoutrements everywhere. So what did we have at the steak house?...why seafood of course! And according to the reigning seafood expert we so happened to have with us, (aka my loving husband Josh) it was really good! That was my first time having crab legs and I loved them -and I am assuming that Ada didn't mind either as when she ate later she had no qualms.
Ada also had her very first time in a pool and there were a bunch of rowdy- and somewhat trashy- kids and adults jumping in and splashing her. So while she wasn't screaming bloody murder, she didn't seem to like it that much. But we were not giving up! I lived a lot of my life around water-mainly beaches in FL-so Ada was not going to harbor a fear of water on my watch! So we tried again early the next morning and we were met with much more success (please see additional videos). As we left, we decided to sample the famous raspberry shakes they advertised at every shop in town, which was a lot! And they were sooooo good! We were so glad to get away, even for a few days to enjoy our second year anniversary and to have Ada with us!
Josh and Ada, admiring the scenery
It has been getting a lot colder here already! Here is Ada in her new lightweight bear jacket.
the view from our patio
our hotel
Master of the grill!
New bathing suit and swim cloth diaper! The diaper worked great!

Bye Bear Lake!


Anonymous said...

wow, I miss y'all so much! Ada is so adorable in the videos and I am so thankful for you filming her for us to see. I love to be able to hear her. I am glad you three had a good time.

Love you,
Mom and Bill

Tuthill Family said...

Looks like fun! I love Ada's little yellow polka-dot bathing suit - too cute!

Stinson Family said...

What a beatiful view! That is always good when you can get good seafood outside of New England. We are glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe how big she is already!!! She is soo cute, and I agree with Emily...that bathing suit is too adorable! We hope to see you guys soon...before Ada starts Kindergarten.. ;) Looks like things are going really well for you all! Miss you guys!