Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas in Idaho

We hope everyone had an awesome Christmas! We had a great time, although it would have been better if we would have been able to be with family, and we missed everyone during this holiday. Back at the ole homestead, all of my brothers and sisters and their kids and spouses were all there, except us this year (every year it's someone...keep your fingers crossed for next year though!!) We did have some friends over for Christmas dinner and they tried raspberry vinaigrette and cranberry sauce for the first time and liked them both...can't believe the amount of people who have never been privy to such awesome and amazing palette pleasers! We had fun and can't wait until next year.

Christmas morning, Roarke decided that it was time to wake 6:45 am when we thought we might be able to sleep in as Ada doesn't wake up til at least 8:30...but nothing doing there. So Josh and Roarke kicked it for awhile until Ada and I awoke and started opening presents. Then as Ada sat on her turtle, we noticed she REALLY needed to be we stopped and changed her then began again. Ada loved ripping open the presents, and Roarke, being very grabby right now, would hold onto a piece and then we would pull the present away and continue this until the present was open. So much fun was had by all!!
Roarke eating his new bear

taking a second from eating it to at least look at the camera

Ada on her bounce and light up Vtech turtle - thought we should get the kids stuff that allows them to be more active inside during these very cold and harsh months where we are stuck inside...

Got her a necklace and earrings that have "A" on them

Making sure that she got everything from her stocking, she even upended it just to check!

Roarke spent most of his time either like this, watching Ada open presents, or in his new jumperoo

Checking out her new cabbage patch doll that Grammie got her (although we almost forgot about this, as it has been in the closet since she was much younger!!)

Playing with Roarkes' rolling backpack which is a duck; Adas' is a pig.

I tried making some new rolls, this one is a Knot roll

and this one a cloverleaf roll, obviously I am moderately impressed with myself...

Our Stockings. We used to share the 1st one as Josh thought it was silly and wasteful for each of us to have a stocking, but now it is his stocking until we get him one that looks like mine; perhaps next time we go to DisneyWorld, there will be a Mickey stocking like my Minnie one...

Our Nativity set


Tuthill Family said...

First let me say bravo on the rolls - they look AMAZING! It looks like the kiddos had a lot of fun with their presents... I LOVE the picture of Ada smiling on her turtle. Soo cute!

Stinson Family said...

Love the christmas morning pictures. Abby loves Ada's pj's! Looks like everyone had a wonderful day. Thanks for the call, it was nice to see you all :)

Loyfamily said...

Looks like you all had a nice Christmas. Love the pictures of Ada and Roarke. I sure wish I had one of those rolls they look really delicious. Love,

Whitings said...

How fun! I'm glad you guys had an awesome Christmas! So, everyone says how much Ryan and Paxon look alike, but holy cow does Ada and Roarke look alike!

Anonymous said...

Love the christmas morning pics!! Super cute!