Monday, September 7, 2009

3 years and counting

We have just passed the 3 yr mark and it has been an exciting 3 years! To recap th last 3 years: For our honeymoon we went to the British Virgin Islands, Cooper Island to be specific; 1st anniversary we drove across the country to end up where we are now in Idaho; 2nd anniversary we went with Ada to Bear Lake in Idaho for a few days; and well 3rd anniversary wasn't as dramatic but it was great nonetheless. As Roarke is, and was so young, we were just thankful to get out of the house! Luckily, Devin and Leo watched both him and Ada so we could go out to see a movie and go to our favorite date night stop called the Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe where the cupcakes are very expensive, but awesome and where their cocoa is so refined their hot cocoa drinks almost resemble coffee! We saw the 2nd Transformers movie and although it was a bit long at 144 mins, it was a great movie. There are no pictures of that great anniversary but here are some pics of the kids to make up for it!
Ada has never let me "do" her hair before, and this I had to put and re-put back in her hair at least 7 times before she left it in...for a while.

A better view

Her surprised face

Roarke looking upset in the Boppy

Such a big guy! Holding his head up for a bit already.

I just thought this was awesome. She emptied the entire contents of her toy box on the floor, got a book (she loves books; she "reads" them nonstop!) and started to read.


Tuthill Family said...

Love the new look Ada! I can't believe how skinny Roarke is... I'm so used to little michelin babies! I love the picture of Ada in all of her toys with her book upside down. She reads books like Cameron... soo cute!

Curtiss & Ginger said...

3 years!? CONGRATS! That is so awesome! And your little Ada just keeps on getting more beautiful!

Anonymous said...

the pics are too cute! Congrats on the 3 years! It's easy for me to keep track since we just had our 3 year back in June!

Stinson Family said...

It is always nice to be able to go out on a date, we are glad you were able to do that. I have a hard time with Abby not keeping her hair ties in either. Amanda has it down, for some reason Abby would keep them in for her. The pictures are very nice too!