Thursday, February 5, 2009

Playing around

Well I used to post much more regularly, but as life is busy and I am frequently tired after a long day, blogging usually takes a backseat to homework, sleep and being with my family. As I have been working with first graders, you can imagine that they are the epitome of cleanliness and hygiene. They always cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze (and clean their hands afterwards), and they never wipe their noses on their hands or sleeves; they are so great at it that I have been battling a cold for the past few days. It normally would not have affected me that much, but then I need to go to school and talk over the din and act happy and peppy every second of the day, which some of you will be surprised to know is a struggle even for me sometimes! We also went to the doctor today for a checkup for the new baby and as so many of you know how much I love getting my blood drawn (coupled with the fact that I am feeling lightheaded and sick anyway) I convinced the nurse to not take my blood now, but next month (when I am sure I will have wished it was already done...). If I would not have been feeling so crappy, I might have been worried when the doc tried to listen to the babys' heartbeat but couldn't quite find it. Luckily, the only room available for our checkup was one of the ones with the ultrasound machine already in it, so he just looked at the baby right then and there just to check. We found out that the placenta is right beneath the skin on my stomach, which covers the that might make it very hard to ever hear the baby's heartbeat just using the exterior ultrasound/heartbeat monitor gadget. But it was great to see the baby and to see that everything is fine, and the baby helpfully moved around a bit while we were looking in. So sometimes even though Ada does some adorable things, they sometimes do not get chronicled as I would like. I have been trying this past week to remember to take more pictures so here's what I have come up with. Playing with Mamas' scarf
Playing on Daddys' feet

Playing and crawling around in the kitchen (noticing a trend? yeah, she plays with everything and crawls everywhere!)

Caught sleeping before her nap


Mary said...

That is so fun that you are teaching! I'm sure your students just love you! Congratulations on your second pregnancy! How fun. How are you feeling lately?! Have you read our blog and our big news?! If not you'll have to :) Take care girl!

Tuthill Family said...

I can't believe how big she's getting - she's just adorable! That stinks that your kids are so "healthy." Hopefully Ada doesn't get sick.