Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sorry everyone for being so absent during the last few weeks! During the day when both of the kids take a nap, usually I relax, talk to Josh (who is STILL in Idaho by the way for another week and a half) or read...or sometimes nap! Then at night when I used to blog, I now use that time to work out for an hour on the elliptical or other assorted machines/free weights downstairs in my mothers' basement! So to make up for my absence and lack of pics and videos, I now have a bazillion pictures and a few videos (and if you're wondering where the video bar went, I had to remove it as it would only show OLD videos and I could not get it to work so until I can, you can go to YouTube and look up greenfighter3's videos!!)
My sister Skye got student of the month at my old HS alma mater Cheltenham HS. Here she is flanked by the mascot. It was being filmed and Ada, who has no fear of life sized animals/characters in suits kept growling at it and saying it various body parts while also saying please with arms outstretched (like eyes, toes, ears, etc). Guess she won't have any issues at DisneyWorld!!
Meemaw and Roarke at the student of the month celebration

The talented Aunt

Roarkes' face is very intense...wonder who he gets that look from!
much better

If we don't keep this gate up, Roarke eats the cat food and plays in the water, while Ada "feeds" the cat by dumping TONS of food into her dish. But the kids NEVER get tired of seeing and chasing the cat, so she runs back upstairs and hides...not so great for the litter box which is behind this gate...so sometimes we have to find and get the cat to put her behind the gate for a while so she can eat and/or actually use the litter box! But who is really trapped??? The cat or my kids?

Loving the fact we can be outside with minimal effort (aka- open the sliding glass door!!)

Looking through the telescope the right way

But she likes this way better!

She yells, "WHEEE!" everytime, sorry neighbors!

This is an older pic that never made it to the blogosphere...yes daddy was taking a nap and Ada sat down to read a book between his legs and the next thing I know she was asleep...about an hour too early!

awwwww, she loves her daddy!

Easter with Aunt Skye and Uncle Will

He found an egg!

Still looking for eggs. I don't let my kids pretty much ever eat refined sugar, so I filled the eggs with goldfish and cheerios and gerber yogurt melts and Roarkes' previous favorite, gerbers puffs!

Another oldie that never made it. Here I am about to eat our St Pattys' day cookies!

He was less than excited to take this picture...


Tuthill Family said...

I LOVE Ada's sparkly purple sunglasses! They Rock! I can't believe how big Roarke's getting. They are both WAY too stink'n cute! (I especially love the picture of Ada sleeping on Josh. I actually said Awww out loud at work... oops!) Keep the pictures coming... We love 'em all!

SydneyMin said...

I love all the pictures!! The kids are so cute, And I'm so impressed by Skye! Way to go, Skye :) It's so nice to have you guys back here again!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! We have to make plans to get together!

Stinson Family said...

I love the picture of Daddy Daughter taking a nap together, that is priceless. Thanks for sharing your pictures :) Glad that is now with you!