Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Josh!!

Yesterday Josh turned the big 26! He is still just as great and studly as ever and here are the cool pics to prove it! (You are getting so much better at celebrating your birthday and not trying to pass it off as just another superfluous celebration!!) Also added are our Halloween pics!
Ada wanted to help get the pizza out of the oven until she found out it was hot, now she is prepared!
Instead of a cake, I got Josh a cupcake we haven't tried yet from our favorite date night stop, The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe. He was very surprised and thought I hadn't taken care of getting him, or making, a cake. The box was small and hidden! This cupcake is called Party in my Mouth.

Ah yes, it is so true!
Thanks Tuthills!

Thanks Mom and Bill! He was looking happier, but he's not a huge fan of multiple pictures, especially not of just him, nor on his birthday!

Ada has no problem with it!

Starting to open presents and his infamous Birthday Bag!!! No birthday is complete without one...or it's song...

I think Ada was more excited than Josh!

The family all dressed up, except Josh who came over to trunk or treat on his lunch break!

My Gwen Stefani sister

Good Job Dad! Showing the right amount of enthusiasm for free candy and dressing up!!

Roarke however, was not

Trying out her new shades with her costume

Britt and Alicia, the outfit from China you got for Ada before she was born finally fits!! But she didn't like it as much as I would've liked...
Hope everyone had as much fun as we did!!


Whitings said...

Cute costumes for the kiddos Shelby! Halloween takes on a whole new meaning with our own children huh? I used to be excited for Halloween, and now I am excited for my children to experience Halloween!

Tuthill Family said...

Love the costumes. It's so much fun to get them all dress up and dangle candy in front of them! (The aftermath is not so much fun...) :) And that cupcake looked DELICIOUS! I can't believe that my (younger) brother is 26 though!

Stinson Family said...

Looks like you had a great party! Abby enjoys having her picture taken too! She loves looking at your children on the blog.