Saturday, December 13, 2008

Waiting for a breath of hot air

It has been snowing a bit here lately, nothing major but enough to make the people around here freak out. Even though snow should really be part of the territory (no pun intended), there are a lot of people who are transplanted here going to school. And then the state of Idaho, or at least Rexburg, really has no idea what to do or how to deal with the snow! And let me tell you it is no picnic to drive around with people who can't drive in the snow! Anyway, we are very excited about our trip to Florida and Philly. To be again on the East Coast (yeah, can you tell we miss it enough?!!) and to be in Florida will be awesome: Disney and warm weather and family, it's great! Then to go to Philly, to be with more family, we are so excited!! So enjoy the pictures of this past week!
This is my favorite face that Ada makes!
Playing with Lucy

Playing with Mama

We just gave her a cup, she didn't quite know what to do with it at first. Then the juice she sort of drank, but then just would spit it out! This is her doing much better with it!

1 comment:

Tuthill Family said...

Wow - that's awesome that she's already figuring out how a sippy cup works! I'm impressed. :) As for your snow, I wish! We've been under inches of ice and without power these past few days. We actually had to abandon ship after the first day and stay with Jon's family in Jersey. Sometimes the east coast is fun and other times...