Monday, November 22, 2010

Potty Training

This is what we did yesterday: leaf rubbings and hand turkeys! This way we could all participate in the Thanksgiving decorations. We traced our hands on brown construction paper, then made their beaks and faces and each of our fingers would be the turkeys' feather which were then covered over with purple, red, yellow and green finger cut outs (if this makes any sense-but it's the one I always made in elementary school).
RJ "helping"
Ada also helping

Adas' present for going #2 on the potty. She was so proud of herself. Yesterday we also went to church and she even went on the potty there, which was HUGE as it automatically flushes which scared her A LOT!! But after almost 20 mins of off and and and in and out of the bathroom, she finally felt comfortable enough to go...whew! She is doing pretty well so far but the past two and a half weeks experience is something I can wait to do again...

Her rewards for going on the potty: Stickers!! She loves getting them and she has to do the whole bathroom/potty/wiping/hand washing by herself (with a little supervising of course, but too much and she gets quite mad!) So we got her a little stool so she can get onto and off of the potty by herself and then she can move it in front of the sink to wash her hands.

Meemaw and Pop just had their anniversary and they went to Annapolis and got us Navy t-shirts. Ada loves hers and wants her Navy shirt almost as much as her Imagination Movers shirt.

Ada was acting up so we put her down, hence the picture of just her; she wanted her own picture. Such a diva!
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving and eat tons of food! Especially pumpkin everything and cranberry sauce!!

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