Monday, May 24, 2010

Mothers' Day and other assorted happenings

Hello Family and Friends!!
Well it's been a long time since you've had an update, so here I am obliging you all!!
The Beard Familys' new dog Snickers!! She's a King Charles Cavalier spaniel and about 13 weeks old. Yes, she was the runt of the litter as she is sooo tiny!
Before Ada new she shouldn't be in the crate, as it is supposed to be the dogs' alone place!!

Awww, holding her. Had to teach Ada not to lift her up by her hind legs or her neck...

Can't believe I never posted these!! This was the spread created for my mom and I on Mothers' Day. The boys and Skye did EVERYTHING! Not helping with the kids and dinner was tough (not that they didn't do a wonderful job) but it was hard not to help when they didn't know where something was or the like...just means my mom and I will have to pull out all the stops for Fathers' Day!
Skye put all of our names at our places!

My mom is lactose intolerant and fat intolerant (as she is always trying to be super healthy) so Skye made angels food cake!

We have a birthday bag, and this is it's cousin the mothers' day bag!

What we walked into
randomly cute pictures of Ada; it is easier to get pictures of her as she stands still!

My little bookworms! We also take the kids on Tuesday mornings to the library where they have reading time and crafts for kids 1-2, so Roarke tags along! Adas' favorite part is the computer time though...guess we'll have to eventually spring for KidSpiration or something!! Guess she inherited her mothers' love for computers!

Here Daddy! Read to me!

Roarke doesn't quite get the idea yet, that's why all of his books are board books and we don't let him check out library books yet...
Check out our new videos on YouTube too!


Tuthill Family said...

The kiddos (and snickers) are adorable! I can't believe how long Ada's hair is getting! Looks like you had a great Mother's day. Very sweet!

Whitings said...

I loved the table! Great job Skye and boys! Snickers is adorable! Do you remember that is the name of my parents dog? Now 13 years old. I thought we were the only ones : )

Anonymous said...

They are just so cute!!! What a nice surprise for mothers day!